Body composition testing can be a helpful tool to measure general health and monitor weight. It is very useful to validate body composition changes when the scale or BMI numbers plateau and don’t reflect the actual progress being made. This test can also improve performance – improved lean body mass means you have more muscle moving less mass.
We utilize the Bodystat system to provide extensive information on body composition. The Bodystat is a device utilizing Bio-Impedence Analysis (BIA), consistently the most accurate body composition method. Fat and muscle produce different levels of resistance to electricity, BIA passes a safe signal through your body to measure resistance levels.
The Bodystat identifies changes in the body and exactly what these changes are. This reproducible data gives you tangible proof of the progress you are making, and gives your trainer or coach, another tool to monitor and fine tune your wellness, fitness or performance program.
The device delivers an accurate full body composition report compiled in a clear and concise format. It will help motivate you to stick with your training and fitness program.
Silver Sage Center for Family Medicine
10467 Double R. Blvd.
Reno, NV 89521
Office: 775 853 9394
Billing Questions: 775 853 9394
FAX: 775 853 3339
Silver Sage Sports & Fitness Lab
10467 Double R. Blvd.
Reno, NV 89521
Office: 775 853 9394
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