Bulk & Wholesale CBD Hemp Oil [us_MQeUm_b4] Bulk & Wholesale CBD Hemp Oil [us_MQeUm_b4]Global Cannabinoids Inc is a privately held bulk & wholesale Business to Business (B2B) distributor of the highest quality organic medicinal hemp CBD derived phytocannabinoids in the world. All products distributed by Global Cannabinoids Inc are tested both internally and independently for potency, purity, and consistency. Entourage Nutritional distributes only the highest grade products that are fully organic, contain no pesticides, no residual solvents, no heavy metals, and no toxic mildew or mold. All products we distribute are tested internally as well as independently by 3rd parties to confirm and maintain full accuracy and consistency of all quality control measures. All phytocannabinoid (PCR) rich products we produce, manufacture, or distribute, are either imported legally, or derived from 100% Federally legal industrial hemp that is registered with the Colorado State Department of Agriculture and conform fully to the 2014 US Farm Bill section 7606 which federally legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp under certain federal mandated conditions which Global Cannabinoids and its farming partners and suppliers conform to fully. All products Global Cannabinoids produces, manufactures, markets, or distributes, is fully compliant with all 50 states, local, and international laws.