
Winter, Bring it On

Winter, the perfect opportunity to change it up. Below, reflections on winter training by Silver Sage sponsored Reno WheelWoman, Heidi…


WINTER!  We’re so fortunate to have so much snow here in the West (FINALLY!).  It’s been a joy to spend Sunday endurance days with friends and with my dogs doing snow sports.  With two Huskies, I’m guaranteed to have great companionship and they turn any snowshoe or hike into an all-body workout!


As much as I love riding my bike, change is good for the soul and I believe it’s helped my fitness, as well.  There’s something exciting about being a novice at a sport… in my case, Nordic skiing.  I love the idea of breaking out of what I normally do and adding to the skill set.  It keeps my mind challenged and my body adapting to what’s new. Plus, it’s just such a fun sport!  Never mind that it’s probably the hardest workout I’ve ever done!  You don’t really notice that when you’re outside looking at the beautiful scenery.  Sure beats the heck out of sitting on the trainer for hours and, I have to say, I’ve NEVER been so tired after a workout.  You can consider me to be a new Nordic skiing addict (I’ll be buying equipment as soon as I can afford it).


Thanks to Mother Nature for providing the opportunity to get outside and really change it up this year.  Keep that white, fluffy snow coming!