
The test that changed the way I look at…Well, everything, Part III

Daryl Hataway’s final installment in his three part series, to read part I, click here, to read part II, click here

My results were pretty cool to read and super eye opening.  I efficiently metabolize fats at a heart rate of 122-147, which is amazing to know during our strenuous workouts.  Even cooler, I found the speed at which I transfer from burning carbs to burning fat, great for the days I am looking to get a good burn on.

I am sure you are asking, “What good does this do?”  TONS!!!! If you are looking to be the most efficient than you have ever been, burning fat, being productive in your workouts, and truly becoming the most effective athlete you can be, this is the true key to fitness and endurance success.  There is no pill, no special pink drink, and no ridiculous calorie restrictions…there is the Metabolic Efficiency Test.

Below is a more accurate description of the test results in their entirety:

The heart rate I told you about (122-147) is the sweet spot for my fat burning. The graphs break it down in different ways based on speed or heart rate, or percentage of fat being burned compared to carbs.

If you focus on the blue line, fats, and focus on the area in each graph where that line stays more constant in the middle, that is my key fat burning zone. Where it drops off is where I then start relying more on carbs. So the key is to stay diligent on those prescribed endurance days, so that I am gleaning all of the benefits of developing the capillary and mitochondrial densities, in addition to training the body to become more efficient utilizing its energy stores.



Athletes have varying goals, some to be faster and stronger, some to lose weight or gain weight, all which could be amazingly influenced by the metabolic efficiency test for the following reasons: 

1.    For those endurance athletes looking for performance, this is key.  It is a fallacy to think you can replace the calories you are expending, and often times, in ultra running events, food intake leads to GI distress and proves to be one of the greatest limiters to performance. So if these athletes can better train their bodies, through proper endurance training coupled with proper nutrition, to utilize existing fuels it is advantageous. This type of met efficiency training is best trained in the off-season.

2.    For those looking to lose weight, the metabolic efficiency test provides that baseline caloric intake need to keep organs healthy, and the met efficiency provides the sweet spot in fat metabolism. As individuals stay diligent in training in this zone they not only improve fat metabolism, but they will extend this zone out and be able to use fats for energy at higher intensity levels.

The knowledge I received from this test will forever be locked in my brain, nagging (in a good way) at me, telling me where I need to be and how I need to get there.  I feel as if I now have the key, the key to absolute success with any of my fitness goals.  At this point it is up to me to make the necessary changes and move forward, unlocking my true potential.