Run for Red II

Running Red for Heart 2015

Silver Sage sponsored, ProjectHero athlete (un-named to protect his identity) shares his Running Red experience…

It was good to get out and run this past Saturday, it was for a good cause, Running Red for Heart 2015 put on by REMSA. I also met some very cool people. Like the gentleman I am pictured with, Korean War Veteran of the United States Marine Corps…Sgt. Harold Holder, author of Please Leave the Lights On, his story about recovery from a TBI. We hit it off immediately!

Run for Red

The run went off without a hitch. It was cold running into the wind, but we beat the rain! I finished 15th overall with a time of 30:16, not my best, but considering I had a lower back procedure done just 15 hours prior to the race…I’ll take it!

The best part was being contacted later in the day by Mr. Holder asking me if I would like to come to Pensacola Florida to speak about TBI’s with a Marine Corps Foundation that he and a few generals have started. Are you kidding me…of course I will go, that’s a huge honor!

As you can see in the photo Mr. Holder is wearing a USMC hat, I am holding his book that he autographed and gave to me…none of this would have ever happened if I had not walked up to him and thanked him for his service.

I know a lot of us have our own demons, I am right there with you…but we can choose to remain silent…or choose to reach out!! Just a simple thank you is all it took! He said it was a pleasure to meet me, I assured him, the pleasure was all mine!!