
Phenomenal coaching made for exhilarating training!

she-rocks-racejpgI’m a newbie when it comes to getting coached, but not to working out. It is the best idea for improving one’s performance, especially if you’re in the doldrums. I was seeking growth, structure, and guidance. In the end I experienced trust, a fresh approach, and a new perspective. I absolutely loved receiving my daily workouts, and checking in with my coach about my performance. Julie had me doing repeats and speed work that I never dreamed I would do. Over the four months of preparation I saw physical improvement in strength, muscle definition, and speed. Most importantly, I was having FUN. Training was far more interesting and way less draining than ever before. Instead of my previous random workouts, my new plan had logical growth that was personalized. The key to all of this is good communication with your coach and total trust in their experience and expertise. I was ecstatic to reach my goal at “She Rocks The Trail 25K” by shaving 15 minutes off of my previous time. But really, it’s the journey down new paths of self-discovery that my coach, Julie Young, guided me to. It was the best adventure ever. I definitely got more bang for the buck!