Silver Sage Sports and Fitness Lab prioritizes an individualized approach and personal trainer-client relationship. Following an initial consultation to assess your current fitness and future goals, the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is used to assess your biomechanics and movement patterns.
There are a few keys to successfully gaining a foothold on a healthy lifestyle – finding that movement of choice that you enjoy and deeply motivates you, versus feeling you have to go do it; developing a community of training partners for social camaraderie and accountability; and determining your personal goals for your fitness program, for example, targeting a run/walk event, riding in a cycling event or scaling a Sierra peak.
We want to help you establish health and fitness as a lifestyle vs a short-term habit. This lifestyle consists of a variety of aerobic activities, stability and mobility work, as well as good nutritional choices and sleep practices. We help you navigate these sometimes, seemingly overwhelming waters, by helping you realistically organize these essential elements of health in to your busy life.
The FMS, identifies weak links in movement patterns and results are utilized to develop an individualized program to improve weak movement patterns. This results in greater movement efficiency, improved performance and reduced injury potential. Each prescribed movement and exercise effectively challenges mobility, stability, coordination, balance as well as fires the neural system – equating to more bang for your exercise buck. A fitness program constructed on the foundation of quality movement affords injury-prevention and durability, in addition to accelerating your fitness gains.
The FMS-based development of effective movement preparation and core stability workouts, along with the development of energy systems, and regeneration strategies act as the foundational cornerstones to this dynamic, individualized fitness and wellness program.
Your understanding of the training and how each and every workout contributes toward your fitness goal is the ultimate key to your success.
The final ingredient to attain your fitness and life of health is consistently sticking with it – think of us as your training partner to provide motivation and accountability.
Individualized General Fitness and Wellness plans and costs mirror those noted under the endurance training plans.
Advanced-Elite Athlete
Resting metabolic rate, lactate threshold and body fat at the baseline then repeat body fat testing and lactate threshold testing at next two visits. Individualized six month (six, four-week periods) daily training plan based individual’s current fitness, physiological testing data, life demands and athletic goals.
Intermediate Athlete
Body fat testing, resting metabolic rate, lactate threshold or Vo2-metabolic efficiency analysis, and individualized three month (three, four-week periods) daily training plan based on individual’s current fitness, physiological testing data, life demands, and athletic goals.
Beginning Athlete
Body fat testing, lactate threshold and individualized three month (three, four-week periods) daily training plan based on individual’s current fitness, physiological testing data, life demands, and athletic goals.