Entries by digitalnordic

Pataphysical Training

The first thing Julie told me was that “we all get in ruts in our training–and it is necessary to continue to challenge and adapt.” Exactly on target. Those ruts get deeper with time. Imagine that, as a man enters his seventieth year, he can change his mind and change his body.  I decided to […]

Makeover at the Movies

There’s been a pregnant pause since I’ve updated this picaresque series of posts intended to depict my athletic rebirth: shhhhh…can you hear it? Remember, I had fallen into disrepair. I was sitting too much and moving too little. I’d fallen down on the job of staying fit, and I’d vowed to turn my life around…but I’ve failed to provide […]

Team City Junior Skills and Race Clinic

I was bowled over by the enthusiastic, outstanding participation for the first Team City Skills and Race Clinic – a series that will progress from basic to more advanced handling skills and race tactics. The kick-off clinic was dominated by the Team City Juniors, ranging in age from 8-16years, with 20-strong.  The juniors sharpened their […]


If you’re on this page, maybe you’ve come with your knives sharpened for a heaping helping of schadenfreude – but for those who might have just wandered into this shinola show, here’s the basic conceit of this series of posts: I’m out of shape. If my family medical history were a book, it would be composed […]

Mid-Course Correction V 5.2

Below starts a regular blog post by Brad Rassler…o2fitness trainee, embarking on an athletic rebirth – Carpe Diem Brad! After 30 years, it finally happened: I was on the verge of going to seed. Bereft of a desire to exercise, but happily pinioned to a demanding graduate school program and a new writing career, I […]

What differentiates effective training

 I was asked to present this week, at a California Sacramento State University physiology/training plan development class – that’s a mouthful. With coaches and training plans a dime a dozen – It was a valuable exercise for me to step back and drill down what, in my experience, differentiates effective coaching and training. Below, I […]

Life come full circle

This week I join UCDavis Sports Medicine and California State University Sacramento in a joint research project to polish, a currently under research, conditioning and injury prevention program. The ultimate objective is to help resolve the high non-contact lower extremity injury rates among high school girl team sport athletes. I was a promising, All-Metro soccer […]

Off-season Team Training Starts

Launch of the Combine Team City-Rio Strada,Off-Season Team Training Plan. Monday kicks-off training for members from the Sacramento area cycling teams – Team City and Rio Strada. This committed group is getting the jump on next year’s cycling season – instituting off-bike stability and mobility for improved on the bike performance. Its a  methodical, attention […]

Ride with Neda – I’M HOOKED!!

Aside from the fact that Julie has this awesome athletic resume, she has impressed me and so many others with her knowledge and sincere caring for our health, efficiency, and excitement. Anytime someone says “be safe” I roll my eyes… ya ya, nobody wants to get hurt but I don’t necessarily want to be “safe” […]