Entries by digitalnordic

Winter Training

Well apparently we ARE going to have a winter. I was getting used to all the nice weather we had through Jan & Feb. I did feel mildly guilty about enjoying the warmth when we should of been in the middle of cold winter weather. However, it’s here now. Time to shift gears again and […]

Fitting it all into the Schedule

When you’re as busy as I am, when it comes to training, structure and quality are key. Really, just going out and riding tons of miles does help get you fit. But it takes a lot of time. To me, it also gets redundant and boring. I like to cut to the chase which is […]

Specialized Body Geometry Bike Fit Certification

This winter I attended the SPECIALIZED BODY GEOMETRY FIT BIKE FITTING CERTIFICATION – what a blast and  invalauble educational and professional opportunity. The Body Geometry FIT program is the most comprehensive bike fit education in the industry. Working with Dr. Andy Pruitt and his team at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine, the BGFIT process […]

My Athletes’ Performance Mentorship

I recently completed Athletes’ Performance Educational Mentorship affording a unique opportunity to learn a highly successful methodology and integrated system. This experience has provided an effective system of tools to train the avid recreationalist to the elite athlete alike. The comprehensive five day Athletes’ Performance Mentorship instructed methodology through cohesive theoretical and applied learning. This […]

Injury Prevention Strategies for Endurance Athletes

Injury Prevention Strategies for Endurance Athletes For this first article in a series on injury prevention strategies I interviewed two rehabilitation and conditioning professionals – Laura Snow, physical therapist and co-owner at American River Rehabilitation; and Darcy Norman, a licensed physical therapist, certified athletic trainer, and certified strength and conditioning specialist with Athletes’ Performance. Before […]

Hit it with Hiking

Hit Winter Fitness with Hiking  Hiking is a great way to stay active through the winter months. We have seemingly limitless possibilities out our Auburn backyard. Generally speaking, the key to fitness is consistency, keeping it fun and interesting with variety, and partnering up to insure accountability. Hiking fits the bill. Finding and maintaining fitness […]

Cross-Country Ski Dry-Land Training – Make it Count

Cross-Country Ski Dry-Land Training – Make it Count Because the snow season is finite – cross country skiers have developed dry-land progressions that mimic the on-snow technique. These progressions help clear the summer cob-webs and re-institute specific skiing muscle memory and body position awareness. Body position is the foundation of efficient cross-country skiing – it […]

Plyo Your Way to Power the Powder

Plyo Your Way to Power the Powder A safely devised plyometric program will benefit every activity – producing more power to the pedal, force in the foot strike, and for that skier, alpine or cross-country, more punch in the powder this season. Plyometrics, also known as plyos, are drills designed to produce fast, powerful movements, […]

Got Balance?

Got Balance? Balance is a key element of efficient, enjoyable cross-country skiing. While some contend – they simply do not possess balance, don’t be a victim of this belief. Balance is trainable and early winter, as we twiddle our thumbs eagerly awaiting the snow, presents an ideal opportunity to fine-tune balance with dry-land drills. As […]