
Silver Sage Named Medicine of Cycling Pro Members

Reno, NV (September 22, 2014) – Dr. Andrew Pasternak and Julie Young, of Silver State Sports & Fitness Lab, attended the fifth annual Medicine of Cycling conference, held at USA Cycling in Colorado Springs, CO, August 22-24, 2014. The conference was presented by the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine and Medicine of Cycling, in collaboration with USA Cycling.

Pasternak and Young are the only Medicine of Cycling Pro Members in the state of Nevada, which means that they have specialized knowledge relevant to cyclists and cycling related conditions, and they enjoy seeing cyclists as part of their regular medical practice.”

“Between the recent conference and becoming Pro Members, this is another resource that allows us to bring world-class, cutting edge cycling knowledge to Northern Nevada,” said Pasternak.     

Silver Sage Sports & Fitness Lab provides integrated physiologic testing, biomechanical and coaching services to help athletes of all abilities and interests maximize their training time and achieve results. For more information, visit www.silversagecenter.com.
