
I Got My MoJo Working!


Last month, I was just getting started after a long layoff from training due to work demands. This month, the focus is on carrying that newfound inertia forward. The mojo’s coming back. I can already feel some fitness improvements and I WANT to ride and cross train again. Now, I can tell myself to keep up the good work, but I also know it’s time to push it to the next level.


I’ve taken the workouts Julie Young gives me on TrainingPeaks, and  I’m now in the 75% “getting it done well” range. Not all days are awesome, but at least now I can feel those subtle things that tell me my fitness is coming back. The hip and core exercises she includes in each week’s plan are becoming more doable. I can hold the static positions longer. I also don’t get quite as sore after my workouts. I like that!

After more than two years of training with Julie as my coach, you’d think the routine would become boring, but this year she has put some new strength work on the menu. So, now there’s the challenge and interest of learning new exercises. This is where I can really see the benefits of having a coach who spends a lot of time studying different training methods. It’s not just the same old stuff, which would cause even the most dedicated athlete to get bored.

In addition to the regular hip, core and cycling workouts, Sundays are endurance days. This is my time for whatever suits my fancy, and these days that’s hiking with my dogs (hey, they were out of shape, too.) I’ve also been super fortunate that these adventures in the mountains outside Reno have been spent with several of Julie’s athletes who happen to be good friends. The camaraderie while training is a huge bonus. Some not-so-subtle clues that we love our training programs and we’re all excited to be working on our fitness… Creek crossings on icy logs include supporting commentary, “Engage your core!” During the uphill sections, we comment on how our glutes feel. Amazing stuff. This mojo… it’s working!