
Auburn Century Training Group by Melinda Naye

I did the drills w/Dana today.  It was really great and I had a few cool ah-ha moments:

We rode down Shirland Tract which always hurts my hands, but I took Julie’s advice and tried to soften my arms and not have such a death grip on my handlebars and go figure; my hands didn’t hurt!

Also, we rode up Newcastle road from Auburn Folsom towards Indian Hill.  That road has a very gradual grade, but for some reason it has always felt like a huge climb – and this time it did not! I’m not sure why other than I focused on pedal stroke and as we had done our one legged drills, as prescribed in the century training plan, before we got to the road. It seemed my legs were much happier to be moving together again and so the road did not seem as much as challenging.

The SFR’s were great too – we did them up Indian Hill and now my legs are tired and happy to get a day off tomorrow.  Thanks so much for having this group – I’m feeling really positive about the changes that I’m already seeing happening!
