O2fitness launches Ironman Tahoe 2013 Individualized Training Plans

Wow its January and time to start foundation phase training for Ironman Tahoe 2013. I look forward to training with and supporting a crop of new clients prepping for this inaugural Ironman – all with their own individual Ironman goals. What an opportunity in our Sierra backyard.

Speaking recently with one of my Ironman clients, I was reminded that with all of our athletic goals – it is not the destination of race day, but the daily training, with its mental and physical challenge and resulting confidence and empowerment that enriches our lives. Registering for events like Ironman also provide the opportunity to maintain balance in our busy lives – goals on the horizon help us wrench ourselves away from the desk and minutia of life and escape to training time.  We own our training – no one else’s decisions or actions can skew or blur the outcome.  

But rallying fitness focus does not require registering for an Ironman – any goal on the horizon from bagging a peak to cycling a century that reminds us to carve time out of our busy lives and invest in physical and emotional balance – is the E-ticket objective.